Wednesday, December 9, 2009

da lame aku x msk new entry dlm blog ni...
cian blog...sorry ye...
i'm kinda busy lately bcoz of my cousin's wedding...
becoming event is my brother's engagement...
it is on 26th dec Insyaallah...

arini tmn my mum n aunt gi ayer itam...
kenan jgak tgk gubahan2 hntrn kawen tu...
bknnye sbb nk kawen...
tp sbb interested n excited nk cuci mate with varieties of flowers...
happy jgak dpt tolong drive kn mereka...
x byk, sket pon at least dpt sumbang sumbangan sket kn utk sape2 yg b'kenaan...

mlm tu plak tmn kakak gue gi shopping jap...
nsb baik shopping complex dkt je...
kalau x pancit jgak nk jln...

arini aku ada kck ati...
tp aku cube utk cheer kn ati ni...
takut nnt setan hasut mcm2...

nk cite pon ssh...
sbb cite die pnjg sgt...
kalau aku smpn pon ok jgak...

nervous gile tggu result...
Ya Allah...
mntk2 result sem ni better than before...

k la..chow dulu...
i have to sleep....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


setiap yg menimpa diri kite itu dinamakan dugaan.....

dugaan itu diberi kepada org g dikehendaki-Nye...

cuba kite fikir blk....

adakah dugaan yg menimpa kite itu adalah mmg btul2 dugaan atau blsn dr dosa masa lampau kite???

kite x bley menyalahkan Allah dan takdir atas apa yg menimpa....

sbg contohnye ;

suatu mase dahulu si A pnah ada hubungan dgn suami org....
tanpa memikirkan perasaan isteri kekasihnye...
die sggup meruntuhkan rumah tgga yg telah lame dibina oleh sepsg suami isteri itu...

itu cite 'suatu mase dahulu'...

tp 'sekarang'??
ape yg berlaku??

suami nye pula ada hubungan sulit dgn perempuan lain...

mmg itu dipggl dugaan....
tp itu juga dipggl blsn...

setiap dugaan itu ada hikmahnye....
kite perlu muhasabah diri...
jgn terus bertindak menuding jari kpd pihak2 tertentu...


Sunday, October 25, 2009


org kate, xyah kite ssh nk crk jodoh....nnt die dtg sndiri....
ada org kate lg, jodoh tu kite kena usaha which is crk...kalau x, x jumpe....
tp, aku jgak pelik cmne org bley sekelip mata jmpe jodoh die...
mcm tuka bj...
yg frust menonggeng tu mmg tgguh kan mission utk mencarik lagi...
sbnrnye....aku da lama mencari jodoh aku...
tp aku rse blom jmpe...
itu aku yg rse....
tp xtaw la btol ke x...
mane la taw sbnrnye jodoh ni ade kt sekeliling kite je sbnrnye...

the important thing is :
me as a student has to focus on my study,
can think about my future but can't have a commitment,
don't let my parent's feelings down,
don't eat too much,
don't be a gedik girl (hehe).

remember syafinas....STUDY...don't SLEEP....and WAKE UP....

Thursday, October 22, 2009

apa nak jadi???

aku sering tertanye2 mcm mane nk jd rajin....
aku hanye manusia biase yang mempunyai seketul hati yg agak busuk...
bagaimana ya???
sehinggakan assignment pun kena ada orang yang paksa buat...
tapi, kan bagus kalau aku mls makan...
aku selalu pujuk hati aku dengan mangatakan yg org yg malas tu kwn syaitan...
tapi ati aku ni bleh bls ape taw.....x semestinye....
uwaaaaa....manyak sedih woo....
kdg2 mcm terpikir jgak xnk further degree....
tp, menuntut ilmu tu kan fardu kiyafah btol x....
mntk2 la aku jd anak Melayu yg berguna nanti...
Amin....(doakan sy ye)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

berakhirnya kisah sebuah cerita

mate kate: biar kite jd bodoh dulu utk jd pndy

tp aku rse cm org bodoh....
buat gadis2 di luar sana, jgn jd bodoh kerana seorg lelaki ok.....
mgkn kerana aku ni seorg yg x pnah blaja drpd kesilapan....
this is me...
it is not bcoz aku x blaja drpd kesilapan...
tp, sbb aku ni still nk bg opportunity kt org tu....
buat kau, sorry for disturbing ur life....
thanx 4 being a fren of mine

p/s: aku bley crk laki lain la....
lg better drpd kau....

Monday, October 5, 2009

this sem

happy nye this sem....
bknnye sbb dpt result yg bgs(oppss!!!), tp sbb ade kwn2 yg bley kongsi segala2 nye....
syg korg....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Raya oh raya...biase la kan.....

biase la kan..
asal raye je, msti x ckup tdo...
biase la kan...
saye ni mmg stok wat keja last minute....
biase la kan....
msti kena siapkan wat kueh yg byk2 tu...
biase la kan....
msti ade je bnde yg dianggap kecil kena buat blk....
biase la kan.....
jln jam gile...
biase la kan....
byk sms pengganti kad raye....
biase la kan....
byk gile asgnmt yg perlu dibuat....
biase la kan.....
kena beli bj raye....


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Doaku seorang hamba yg hina

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku....
jd kan la aku dlm golongan org yg sedikit.....


Sunday, September 6, 2009


mmg aku sorg yg ssh tok fhm org..
tp org lain pon begitu....
aku cube tuk memahami ati org....
kdg2 berjaya, kdg2 gagal...
sorry kwn2...cube tok fhm korg....
tp gagal...



but whoever guys n girls who being friends with me....
thanx a lot....
i really appreciate that...
i'm so sorry i hurt u people....
it's just i'm not being mature...
n 1 day if i'm gone, plz make our memory gone....
because i can't stand of remembering our memory that can bring tears in my cheek.....

Sunday, August 30, 2009

merenung langit

nape ssh sgt nak dgr ckp sy???
kn sy da ckp yg kt luar 2 bhye....
lg2 bile kt tmpt org....
nnt papehal, sy jgak yg kena....
cube jgn degil....
zmn skang, mcm2 bley jd....
lainla kalau ada laki yg bleh dipercayai tmnkan....
xdela sy risau....
Ya Allah...
sy cume doakan korg selamat....
sy x mrh pon korg sbb x bwk sy skali.....
cume sy risaukan korg....
da la korg tu hot....
Ya Allah....
sdeynye sy korg buat mcm ni...
seolah2 mcm korg da tipu dan membelakangkan sy.....
ape boleh buat....
da nasib....

pergi dan kembali

aku happy sgt....
objek yg aku rindui, dh kembali....
thanks Allah....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


kesian abah kena tanggung kami....
kesian mama kena uruskan kami.....
kesian mak (nenek) kena masak untuk kami....
kesian pudin sebab susah payah cari rezeki....
kesian ayie penat keja tapi gaji sikit....
kesian mimi tak dapat kawin lagi walaupun da grad....
kesian apik tak cukup duit....
kesian ami homesick....

kesian hazie dan raha 3 test in one day....
kesian sofi dilanda dilema...
kesian ila ditipu lelaki....
kesian aida susah tidur....
kesian fira kena ulang-alik gi kelas tiap2 pagi...
kesian lily laptop tak leh tgk video....
kesian syafinas alami masalah susah menghafal.....
kesian qaqa ditikam kwn sendiri...

Monday, August 10, 2009

pagi yang hening....

9 August - 9.22 a.m
Aku br lps bsh baju. 1st kot dok kolej this week. x blk umah. gile ah. syafinas ke ni?? hehe.
not bad jgak. tp tipu la aku ckp kalau aku tak rindu rumah. rindu gile beb. tp nk wat cmne.
kalau aku blk lg x blaja oh. eh, kalau dok kolej pon x blajo. ntah bile mse ntah aku blajo. adoi. Syafinas. wake up.
back to the story of home. aku rse 1 of the reason aku x blk umah is bcoz people surrounding me. luntur la semangat ngan dorg.
mmg la pada dorg, dorg nk menaikkan aku dlm erti kata lain mencabar aku.
Tp pada aku, dorg nk menjatuhkan aku.
Kutuk2 org, kutuk2 psl kelemahan org. babes, u all pn bkn perfect pn. In fact, org yg u all kutuk pn jauh lg baik drpd u all.
Bukan aku eh. Wake up babes!

Kelmarin gi dgr forum psl “Melayu hangat2 tahi ayam”.
Terasa la plak aku. Huhu…
untuk nk menyedarkan aku, aku pn pergi dgr.
Nasib baik ila teman. Kalau tak mesti perasaan aku nak pergi tu 50-50.
Bkn sbb hangat2 taik ayam tau. Tp sbb da mlm. Takut balik sorg. Aku ni da la penakut.
Not bad jgak la forum tu. Tak rugi masa malam aku, aku abiskan dgn dengar forum tu. Lagipun ada sayap malaikat atas tu. Majlis ilmu kan.
Panel die ada 2 org. mmg cool la ustad Nawawi ngan Encik Saufi(aku lupe oh name btol die) tu.
Klako gile beb. Mmg fikiran aku sepanjang forum 2 kt diorg jela. Syabas syafinas!
Benda2 mcm ini mmg membuka mata aku. Betul la Melayu hangat2 tahi ayam.
Tapi takkan la kita nk iyakan je kan apa yg org ckp negative psl kite(bak kate ustad).
Kita mesti bantah plus jgn lupe perkataan plus kite kena buat sekali.
Buktikan kt org kt luar sana kite bukan seperti yg dorg pike. N jgn lupe.
Actions speaks more than words. Btol ke ayat aku? Btol la kot.
Aku ni pun pemalas sgt nk membaca. Kn membaca tu boleh menambah ilmu pengetahuan syafinas.
Aku kena buat something kt diri aku. Jgn hangat2 tahi ayam. Cari rezeki pun jgn hangat2 tahi ayam.
Teruskan babe. U can do it.
Pape pun syabas GPMS(Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung) sbb buat forum yang sedikit sebanyak membuka mata aku sebagai orang Melayu.
Jgn biar diri kita di manipulate oleh golongan berbangsa asing itu. Mereka da kaya.
Jgn bagi mereka memonopoli dunia.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Syaitan menyesatkan anak2 adam dan hawa

Kalau aku bley nmpk syaitan2 yg bisik kt tinge aku ni.....

da lame da aku sepak2 syaitan2 ni.....

Rindunye kt Bloggggggg!!!!

Rsenye cm da lame gile aku x menulis kt blog ni....
x taw nape....
mybe it depends on my mood kot....
sorry my fren.....

don't be sad....
we can meet again......
c ya!!!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

do i look bigger with this clothes??

after all this time searching 4 the uncomplete cloth 2 make our bj kurung 4 Eid festive(Hari raya) n other occassions....
finally, we had done...
n i had give up!!
u know y???
bcoz i had found 2 clothes...

* mama is searching 4 mine my sis n hers...
thanx mama 4 paying 4 us... ;)

* a sound of relief coming out from her mouth bcoz
i had find mine (it is damn difficult 4 me 2 find even 1)

* thank Allah i found 2 finally (actually i ask my mum 4 another 1 but
she said next time...hehe....ok2...)

Monday, May 18, 2009

wei2...pandang sini...

korg msg2 da msk universiti or kolej kn???

aku nk tnye 1 benda...

ada x korg kena buat mcm aku kena dulu...
buat ape ek???
erm...tnye la diri sndiri...
atau pun ayat sng die.....
balasan pd ape yg korg buat kat aku....

ada x???
kalau ada, bgs la....
tp kalau xde, mgkin nnt2 kot...

sbr ye....
mse korg akan tibe...
sbr la bang...kak...
kau ni pon...
x sabar2...
aku lempang kang!!!

aku bkn mntk korg lyn aku mcm tuan puteri....
cukupla sekadar lyn aku cm manusia biase...
bukan cm anjing bodo!!!

aku pon ade prasaan jgak...
aku bkn patung siot....

aku x taw cmne nk hilangkan prasaan ni....
maafkan korg???

kau rse tu idea yg bgs ke???

after all they had done 2 me....

ruining up my teenager's life!!!

ruining up my prescription about ********!!!!

did u realise that my heart has broken into many pieces.....??

did all of u???

what the important thing 4 all of u is eating, gambling, coupling....

what the hell men????!!!!!

u are a muslim....

so, act like a muslim....

u want me 2 teach u how 2 keeping up a good relationship with ur friends...

people like all of u only know how to make people's life miserable!!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

kwn ku...

aku kcik ati dgn mu....
mengapa kite x serapat dulu???
adakah kerana aku sudah lame x bertemu mu....
atau pn ada jurang pemisah antara kita???
sewaktu aku dilanda masalah yg dtg bertimpa2...
kau selalu berada di blkg ku memberi sokongan kpd ku...
tp sekarang...
kite hanya berhubung melalu talian yang hanya menyembunyikan reaksi muka seseorang....
aku masih sayang dan rindu...
moga kita jd shbt hingga ke akhir zaman...

hukum karma

hidup kite ni mcm roda...
jap kt atas dan jap kt bwh....
tp, org yg da berada di atas 2, x semestinya ada kt bwh...

kalau anda rse anda da ckup hensem, kaya dan sbg nye,
jgn pike anda akan kekal dgn semua itu selama2ne...

and same goes with...

aku terasa aku berada di atas mse kcik sbb mse 2 jela aku comel...
prsn btol...

aku x tuju kan entry ni utk spe2 pn...
so, kalau ada yg terasa tu maaf ye....
x bermaksud pn...

tp, hidup ni kalau selalu nk kutuk org pn x elok jgak...
skali-skala pon ape slh nye ek...
itu pn kalau org tu mmg hampeh gle la....

ape2 pn....
troskan perjuangan dlm hidup...

Friday, May 15, 2009


Kelmarin adik aku blk...
die ckp sbb kena demam cmpk...
risau jgak aku...
bkn sbb risaukan die...
risau sbb aku lom kena lg....
kihkihkih....(jht punye akak)
Insyaallah xkena...
tp kalau aku kena pon, aku akan dtg umah hazie atau sape2 pon & sbarkan virus nih...

P/S : hazie msti syg aku lbey kalau die kena demam cmpk nih....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

don't be like me....

my english is not good enough...
how 2 make it better???
i can speak english among my friends but when it
comes to speaking test or something...
i can't...
what is wrong with me????
can somebody help me to improve my english in some excellent way???

Monday, May 11, 2009


tgh duduk2.....
tibe2 phone bunyi....
mama rupenye...
"kak ina da deliver"...
baby gurl...
but it is through operation...
poor sis in law...
this is her baby...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

weh....nk gi da ker???

i miss this moment....
i miss my friends....
i miss our memory together...

tomorrow one of us will go to france...
later one of us will go to bali....

take care my friends....

Allah will always be with u....

the important thing is...
don't forget your pray....
don't forget to ask from Allah....

One more thing....
we always love u Sofea...
take very2 good care of yourself....

huh??? Ape ni???

ni name die RUBY....
comel x???
she is a sugar glider....
belonging to my cousin's.....
damn expensive....
it's about RM300...
bought from midvalley 2 years ago...
she can be docile only with her owner...
very loyal...

Saturday, April 25, 2009


i'm not saying dat my life is bored but it is some sort of like boring because i didn't do anything to make myself satisfied with the day....
and today.....
i did a suck thing....
maybe i'll get the not so ok result....
but i hope i'll not get that worse...

Saturday, April 18, 2009


kau ingat kau sape aku nk t'hegeh2 kt kau???
anak menteri???
anak dato'???
kau jgn perasan la....
ramai lg org yg lg baik n hensem drpd kau kt sane...
kau jgn buat ego aku lg tggi boleh tak???
jgn poyo sgt la weh....

Friday, April 17, 2009

jgn jd kepoh bleh tak???

suka ati aku la nk blaja ke ape ke......
kau sebok apesal....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

slh 1 ayat yg aku akan pgg smpy mati....

Our love is like a rose,
plenty of moment soft like a pedal,
some moments as sharp as thorns,
but the difference between them is that our love will never wilt or die.


Love is the only game that is not called on account of darkness....


Love is patient, love is kind.
it does not envy, it does not boast,
it is not proud, it is not rude,
it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.

love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth,
it always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
love never fails.

A friend is one human soul,
whom we can trust utterly who knows the best,
and the worst of us,
and who loves us in spite of all our faults who will speak the honest truth to us,
while the world flatters us to our face,
someone who will comfort and encourage us,
in the day of difficulty and sorrow,
when the world leaves us alone to fight,
our own battle as we can.


never take someone for granted,
hold every person close to your heart,
because you might wake up one day
and realise that you've lost a diamond
while you were too busy collecting stones.....


giving someone all your
love is never an assurance
that they will love you back

do not expect love in return
just wait for it to grow
in their heart

but if it does not be content
that it grew in yours.....


A wise physician said to me,"I have been practising
medicine for 30 years and I have prescribed many things,
But in the long run I have learned taht for most of what
ails the human creature, the best madicine is LOVE."

"What if it doesn't work?" I asked...
"double the dose" he replied..


One day you will ask me what I love more...
You or my life,
and when I will say
"My Life"
you will walk away from me without knowing...
that "You are My Life"


"don't hold something in your arms that you
could never hold in your heart..."


"if you want something badly,
let it go..
if it's comes back to you,
then it's going to be yours forever.
If it doesn't then it's never going to be yours........


"life without friendship is like the sky without sun..."


Happiness happens when a good friend get together...


bile mama tak taw.....

Ya Allah....
sumpah da xnk wat lg....
td aku kua....
rembat keta mak aku...
pastu tak bgtaw dia....
amik kau....
tgk da sesat...
2la....sape suro wat cmtu kn....

p/s : wat kwn2 ku jgn la korg engkar parents korg....
tak bhgia dunia akhirat...

Monday, April 13, 2009


Kau kalau stkt nk miskol2 aku je baik xyah....

gi blk kg tnm jagung la!!!
aku pelik btol ngan prangai laki zmn skang....

tp aku llg pelik ngan mamat sorg ni...

tibe2 je diam....

cm chipsmore je kau ni....
lntk la kau...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

read this frenzzz...those are men's secrets...

33 Facts about Guyz
*really very true...................
 Girls r surely going to read it
 *Belive it or not.......

1. Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls. they prefer neat
and presentable girls.
2. Guys hate flirts.
 3.When a guy says he doesn't understand you, it simply means you're not thinking the way he is.
 4. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep,they always think about the girl they truly care about ..
 5. When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad characteristics.
 6. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
 7. Guys will do anything just to get the girl's attention.
 8. When you touch a guy's heart, there's no turning back.
 9. When a girl says "no", a guy hears it as "try again tomorrow"..... so true.
 10. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly.
 11. Guys love their moms.
 12. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.
 13. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn't mean that the guy likes her.
 14. You can never understand him unless you listen to him.
 15. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.
 16. Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.
 17. Like Eve, girls are guys' weaknesses.
 18. Guys are very open about themselves.
 19. It's good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don't let him wait that long.
 20. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.
 21. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they're not that much pretty.
 22. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice ... very true.
 23. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases u.
 24. Guys  keep secrets that girls tell them.
 25. Guys think too much.
 26. Guys fantasies are unlimited.
 27. Girls' height doesn't really matter to a guy but her weight does! ... very true.
 28. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!!
 29. Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about girls.
 30. You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him praying sometimes.
 31. If a guy says you're beautiful, that guy likes you.
 32. Guys hate girls who overreact.
 33. Guys love you more than you love them IF they are serious in your relationships.
Doesn't this all make sense???

Saturday, April 11, 2009

12 o'clock...

jarum jam bergerak ke jam 12...
ku menanti penuh hrpn....
hrpn tggl hrpn....
dlm hati hanya mampu berdoa...
tidak ku lihat wajahnya....
hati penuh sesalan....
kenapa aku perlu kenal orang seperti ini....
aku tidak boleh menyalahkan takdir....
silap itu datang dari ku juga....
tiada siapa dapat menyelesaikan masalah ku melainkan aku sendiri...
tiada siapa dapat mengubah diri ini kecuali diriku sendiri....
kawan2 ku...
berilah aku semangat dan dorongan...
sesungguhnya aku tidak dapat meneruskan kehidupan di dunia yang indah ini tanpa doa dan semangat dari keluarga dan kawan2 ku...
lantas aku berdoa....
Ya Allah...
kau tabahkanlah hati ini...
kau berikanlah aku semangat...
hanya Kau lah yang mampu membantu hamba Mu yang hina ini....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

mlm tadi...

Malam td slps test 2 information system, aku lalu lepak di blk mmbr ku iaitu fira...
lalu aku dan murni berpuitis tentang kami...
best jgak bersajak ni sbnrnya...
walaupun mak aku cikgu BM, tp aku pn xtaw nape aku x bape nk terer BM..

kdg2 aku rse diri ini kosong...
tiada siapa yang suka kan ku...
tiada siapa yg mengerti ttg diriku...
tiada siapa yg memandangku...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


phm x KTM 2 ape???
pndy2 la yek phm kn...
mlm td aku jmpe seseorang...
tp da lupe la rupe die...
comel gak la org nya...
kck jek...
aku lg bsor kot...
tp xpe...
jnji kte kwn smpy mati...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

on the WAY....

on the way nk gi visit jehan tu jam trok plak kt KL...

da la first time aku gi drive kt KL...

bwk manual lak tuh...

mane la x cramp kaki...

kua2 keta je jln terencot2....

klako btol....

tp Alhamdulillah...
kami smpai jgak HUKM akhirnya....

tu sume pengalaman bg ku dan kwn2 ku yg ku sygi....

P/S: hazie lg cute kalau tgn die xde kt mulut...huahahaha

Hosptal kesesatan


kelmarin gi visit mmbr aku kt HUKM....

cian die....

batuk terok...

kami doakan die cpt smbuh...

pada jehan....
we always love u...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

cat man...

rindu nye kt kucing ku yg gmok + bsor spt tuannye....


superman ke suparman ke aku pon xtaw la gaye ape yg kucing aku ni wat....
cocok pwot die!!!

Kertas Undang2 ku....

PENING pale bile ppikir psl law...
ada x cara2 xnk kasi blur bile jwb exam???
takot nye bile ade org sbb "FINAL LAW BILE??"
kalau subject membaca ni mmg aku fail ....
tp kalau ngire pun x bleh blah gak...
xtaw la ape yg aku pndy...
pndy msk...

Monday, March 23, 2009

hati ku...

Ya Allah....
nape la lately ni rse debar2 je ati ni....
x taw nape....
adakah disebabkn cinta???
no way...
mls aku nk b'cinta lg da....
kalo nk b'cinta pon lps kawin br ok....
ati...ati....nape kau b'debar2???


nk taw nape aku sdey???
sbb mmg da nk nangis....
nk wat cmne kn....
sng citer, asgmnt aku trok seh....
x cm frust gile...
tu la...
suke wat keja main2...
mantul btol....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

knowing some1....

we meet again...
actlly xtaw nk tulis pe...
tp ada sbnrnye....
lately dpt rmai kwn la...
rezki ek...
kite eratkan silaturrahim, Insyaallah Allah pjgkn umo kte....
best plak type pkai VAIO hazie ni....
laptop aku ni mereng la...
nk bkk blog pon xpat...
2 yg rembat laptop org ni....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

jiwa kOsONG = 0

cm add math la plak ek...
tp tu la hakikatnye....
jiwa aku 0...
nk taw nape???
aku pn xtaw nape....

tp yg penting, ble jiwa aku 0, aku akan :
- merayau2 satu uitm
- membuat muke yg msm
- mood x bape nk baik
- mkn pn mls
- gelak ngan mmbr cm org giler
- lu pike la sndiri

mybe 1 of the factor is my fren....
plus a lot of things 2 do....
financial problems....

but whatever it is,,,
i know Allah is always with us...


Saturday, March 7, 2009



ape sbb kte kne boikot??


palestin skang tgh bergelumang dgn perang & dipercayai duit utk beli senjata 2 dtg dr AS...

& of course yahudi mmg jht...

tbe2 plak ek...



kte sbg umat Islam kne la boikot sume brgn yahudi...

sbb ape????

sbb duit yg kte da byr tok brgn tu disumbangkan tok beli senjata tok bunuh umat Islam kt Palestin...

x sdey ke kte tgk umat2 Islam yg kna bunuh, rogol, sembelih???

sedy gle beb...

smpy x sggp nk tgk kn....

nk taw contoh2 jenama ape??


korg pon bley pike kn....

so, kalo cm2....

marila kte sme2 boikot k....

KFC bley mkn sbb Johor Corp da beli....

pike2 kn la dan selamat beramal !!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009



melampau btol....

da la tggu kt post office tu dkt sejam...

tgk2 xley renew licence kt c2...

pns btol la ati...

dkt prasaan yg bengang....

aku pn kua...

sblm ni ati pn x sdp....

smpy2 je kt keta....


rse cm kna tmbuk je ble nmpk ade paper putih melekat kt viper keta...


4 da 1st time since dpt lesen xpnah2 dpt smn...

tgk2 dpt je krts putih 2....


ape lg...

bg ler kt abah tok disettlekn...


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


now i want to tell u bout this fantastic car....
i hope 1 day i can be of its owner so that i can be the 1st female f1 driver....
(mntk2 la dorg adakan female f1 driver...huhu)

tlg la doakan aku.... hehehe...


friends :

Friends are cool....

Friends are kind-hearted...

Friends are spastic....

Friends are annoying....

Friends do not giving up...

wat ever it is...

friends are apart of my life....

when being my fren, u have to do wat u say and please don't u ever being boast....

if once upon a time u advised me that i can't msg wif another guy while i stil have bf, n now why u must do wat u did advise me????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cuit Sket....


Br je nk jinak2 in blogging....

this picx represent me....
braveness in myself...