Sunday, October 25, 2009


org kate, xyah kite ssh nk crk jodoh....nnt die dtg sndiri....
ada org kate lg, jodoh tu kite kena usaha which is crk...kalau x, x jumpe....
tp, aku jgak pelik cmne org bley sekelip mata jmpe jodoh die...
mcm tuka bj...
yg frust menonggeng tu mmg tgguh kan mission utk mencarik lagi...
sbnrnye....aku da lama mencari jodoh aku...
tp aku rse blom jmpe...
itu aku yg rse....
tp xtaw la btol ke x...
mane la taw sbnrnye jodoh ni ade kt sekeliling kite je sbnrnye...

the important thing is :
me as a student has to focus on my study,
can think about my future but can't have a commitment,
don't let my parent's feelings down,
don't eat too much,
don't be a gedik girl (hehe).

remember syafinas....STUDY...don't SLEEP....and WAKE UP....